Home Furnishings Business Consultants
Industry/Company Research
Private Equity and Investment Fund Companies have utilized McCreary & Associates to provide Industry and specific company research data and perspectives to make investment decisions.
McCreary & Associates can provide information focused on project assignement to identify Industry and or company performance, trends, and speciofic international geopolitical factors in play that affect the current/future performance direction. In additon to management, each of the supply chain elements including, consumer and market focus factors, retail, wholesale, sales & marketing, merchandisng, manufacturing, sourcing, design/product development, as well as vendor/customer linkage to asses and improve positioning and competitive advntages while rediucing disadvatages.
The broad and vertically integrated senior management experience including international in every business segment of Home Furnishings industry and operations as well as a huge global network of business contacts uniquely positions McCreary to see both the industry business segment interactions and the "forests and the tree" details so important to driving success and maximizing efficiencies.
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